Monday, April 16, 2007


The time has finally come (and I have found the time!) to begin this journey -- that is, the quest to document at least some interesting pieces that weave the fabric of our life...

I guess what inspired me most was the need (or want) to document some of Dan's incredible achievements over the past 2 years with his new-found love -- inline racing.
Anyone that knows Dan also knows that he does nothing half way...So - suffice to say that it wasn't enough to begin inline skating as he approached mid-life...and no, it wasn't enough that he decided to inline skate as a form of transportation 35 km/day...enough just doesn't exist. SO -- down 50 or so pounds lighter, Dan is now proudly racing against men half his age (ok, not beating them!) but has had some very impressive finishes and personal bests along the way. So here is a bit of his chronology enroute to his latest finish...

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